Agenda: 15.30-16.00 - Registration 16:00-16:30 - Talk by Thomas Hofman-Bang 16:30-17:00 - Stories from KPMG’s Trusted Talents 17:00-17:30 - Q&A 17:30-18:00 - Networking
In 2014 KPMG was re-established in the Danish market. The CEO of KPMG, Thomas Hofman-Bang, will share with you how he managed to reposition KPMG as one of the The Big 4 accounting firms in Denmark.
Thomas Hofman-Bang has been CEO and Senior Partner at KPMG since February 2014.
He has a background in public accounting and more than 30 years of experience as senior executive (CEO, CFO, CoB, Non-Executive Director, auditor, and corporate advisor) in various global companies. At KPMG, Thomas Hofman-Bang is managing one of the world’s strongest business-to-business brands.
His extensive experience is leveraged on a daily basis, as both buyer and provider of professional services. KPMG is established as a client-centric organization, being lean and highly skilled in delivering value to clients so they can grasp opportunities and mitigate risks. Thomas Hofman-Bang is very passionate about leadership and is shaping an engaging corporate culture at KPMG with cross-functional collaboration, a pioneering spirit, and innovation as drivers for delivery of quality, integrity, and service.
At this talk, Thomas Hofman-Bang will reveal more about the journey KPMG is on – as will he share the story about his personal journey from auditor to CEO in a Big 4 company. At the event he will bring along a group of Trusted Talents from KPMG who will talk about some of the exciting projects they are currently working on.